Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 540 - Australian Magpie

The Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) is probably one of the most visible birds in my neighbourhood.  The are large, distinctively coloured and spend a lot of time feeding on the grass strips called "Nature Strips" that run along the sides of our roads.  If the truth be told, these strips are not very natural at all, being mainly just a mono-culture of grass.  But the Magpies seems to find plenty of food in them.

The Australian Magpie is more closely related to butcher birds than crows, but you can how it got its name.

These birds (I think there are two individuals in the pictures) seem to enjoy hanging around on some of the gassy areas just outside our local sports centre.

I could watch these birds all day.

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