Sunday 24 June 2012

Macro Monday - A pet hate!

I know why we have these annoying little plastic labels on fruit but the really annoy me!  In the mornings, with fingers still clumsy from sleep, the last thing I need to do is remove plastic labels from the fruit that ends up in my daughter’s porridge!
We had a school fund raiser on Saturday and I did not get to bed until it was well into Sunday – it would make out life easier if we just got a decent level of funding for our school and then I would not have to stay up half the night and then post grumpy posts about fruit labels the next day!
You can find more macro shots, presumably taken by people who have had their full ration of sleep, here at Macro Monday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the pages.
Enjoy the close ups!


  1. I despise them... who wants a lovely bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter with stickers all over!?

    Fun post ;-)

  2. Yep, couldn't agree more and, yes, you made me laugh, too! Bad morning for you, but a fun one for me!! Thanks, Stewart! Hope you get to catch up on your sleep!!!


  3. They are annoying, I agree...great shots...

  4. I hate to peel them off too!

  5. I find them all over the place as once I've taken them off the fruit they seem to attach themselves to my clothes, books or whatever. I am sure they have a life of their own. Hope the week gets better.

  6. Great pictures you show of some annoying stickers ..... Wishing you a good day / good new week. Hanne Bente

  7. sleep - what are you talking about?
    But I hated those stickers, too. Hatedm because your wonderful shots showed me their beauty. I'll think of you and all the others out there from now on while peeling them off.

  8. I wonder how many of those things I've fed my dog with is daily apple. Hope you get some more sleep soon!

  9. Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by the stickers (or lack of school funding). I hope taking the pictures drained some of your grumpiness. I find it often helps.

  10. Oh dear I did so laugh at this post and your morning grumpiness over these labels. I hate them because my daughter peels them off sticks them on her clothes and then they end up in the washing machine because I don't see them first thing in the mornign when loading the washing in!!!! (sorry to say she is 17 now and still does it - grrrrrrr!!!!)

  11. I have one of those sticking tightly to the carpet that I will need to scrub to get off. I especially hate peeling them off soft fruit and having them tear the skin.
