Monday 19 October 2015

Looking for something - and not finding it!

When we were down at the Otways, I spent an afternoon at Lake Elizabeth looking for platypus.  It was the wrong time of day really - dawn and dusk are better - and the sky was not overcast enough to lure them out for an afternoon swim - but, if you don't go and try you can be sure you will fail.  Which I did anyway!

I took a few pictures anyway - and at the end of the post I have included the only picture of a platypus I have ever managed to get.  It was taken at Lake Elizabeth a couple of years ago.  I can feel a weekend stake-out being planned for late autumn.

That small floating log thing in the middle of the picture really is a platypus - better luck next time for me I hope!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  SM


  1. Hari Om
    Nice place to 'wait and see' anyway!!! Having done the platypus hunt myself, I understand the patience required! YAM xx

  2. lol, I saw them in two locations last year when I visited Queensland :)

  3. maybe you need a set of goggles and fins

  4. Looks like a lovely place to hang out and explore! Good luck with the platypus hunt! Have a happy new week!

  5. I am a huge platypus fan, every time we went to Ozz I brought back some platypus object, they are all over the house :-) The only live one I have ever seen was at a zoo/aquarium. Diane

  6. Looks like a floating stick to me and I would have just passed it on by.

  7. The first photo is beautiful. Better luck on the hunt next time!
    And speaking of luck, a solar car race team from a high school near where I live is in Australia for the race from Darwin to Adelaide. Their car is the Sun Dancer from Houston, Mississippi, USA. Wish them luck!
    Have a great week!

  8. Great Fall capture for the day, Stewart!! I do hope you get a good shot of the Platypus soon!! From what I've heard from others, the Platypus is not an easy capture!! Sneaky fellows they are!! Hope you have a great week!!

  9. I didn't realize they were so illusive..good luck on your hunt! Interesting area to take pictures anyway..Have a great week..

  10. maar niet geschoten is zeker mis, het is wel een heel mooi gebied om enige tijd door te brengen.

  11. I have seen nature shows on the platypus. Shy creatures! Lovely photos though.

  12. Lovely nature shots so you used your time well ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  13. At least you had one in your archives -- and at least you have a chance of seeing one again. How wonderful. I can only imagine! That beastie seems as much a figment of imagination to me as, say, a dragon or a unicorn. (I know better, but it honestly doesn't sound real~) (Felicia's probably right in the comment above, you might be more likely to see it when you're actually not looking!)

  14. You got some lovely photos anyway. Better luck next time!

  15. Great shots! Getting a platypus in the frame would be so difficult! Hope you have better luck next time.
