Wednesday 12 October 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday 220 - Intermediate Egret (and a less than happy frog!)

Greetings - its not been the easiest 10 days of my life in terms of health and such like, so I am very behind with replies and such like.  Just when I thought I was out of the woods, today I spent well over an hour - and well over $500 - in a dentist's chair.  Which was an experience that is best described as unenjoyable!  On the other hand, my week has been better than the one that the frog in these pictures was having!  I should be thankful.

The bird is an Intermediate Egret (Ardea intermedia) one of a set of at least 3 'large' white egrets in Australia.  I'm pretty certain I have got the name right, but will except corrections!

This bird was feeding in the shallow water outside of the Mamukala Bird Hide when I saw it get the frog.  It was caught, turned around and swallowed all in a few seconds.

The large blue / purple birds in the background are Australian / Purple Swamphens.

I hope finally to be back up to speed some - so, thanks in anticipation for comments.  Now its your turn to click the blue button and join in with WBW.  SM


  1. Hope you're feeling better now Stewart. Dentists I hate too.

    Those white large/middle sized Egrets can be hard to sort out froma distance. Luckily we only really get the Little Egret but it looks like the Great White is about to colonise. Should be able to sort those two on size alone.

  2. Beautiful photos, Stewart! Lovely bird! I hope the dental work wasn't too serious.

  3. Loved this series. I'm always weirdly fascinated seeing birds dine. Takes patience and talent to capture the whole meal sequence. Hope you feel well soon .... thank you for hosting and I am incredibly happy to have found something to contribute.

  4. the egrets certainly know how to handle this. A good thing is the frog are not in pain for long. Great shots :)

    And hope you get well soon.

  5. The bottom of the food chain is no place to be. Good luck with the choppers.

  6. I really hope you are feeling a lot better and thank you for still doing WBW even after a bad week. I really like Egrets; this year I have manged to see Little, Cattle and Great White Egret in England.

  7. Fabulous shots! Poor frog, but the egret seems to enjoy his snack.

  8. Hello Stewart!, I'm so sorry you are having dental problems. I had a large back molar removed this morning, and the throbbing pain is very unpleasant.

    Lovely sharp images of the Egret with his catch.

    Feel well soon.:)

  9. Aww shame poor little frog but wow great photography. Well done. Sorry about the teeth I feel for you. Diane

  10. Great shots! I guess just when you think you're having a bad day, it's a good reminder that someone else has it worse than you.

  11. I do feel sorry for that frog.

  12. Almost looks like Florida with our Great Egret and Gray-headed (Purple) Swamphen. Hope your dental work was successful and keep smiling!

  13. Fantastic series of images, Stewart! The frog is possibly a striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) by the look of it.

    Hope you feel better soon after your big dental work, don't stress out about replying to comments either! Your wellbeing comes first :)

  14. i'd have to have 'intermediate' as part of my name. :)

    hoping your next week will be better.

  15. Looking at this on the mobile so didn't notice the frog at first untl I enlargrd the image. Nice catch. The Photos that is, not the herons frog ☺

  16. Nice reflection in the water. Amazing how they do that with no hands.

  17. poor Mr. Froggy. He wasn't quite fast enough.

  18. My bird is bigger than your bird :) ... But, that said, your intermediate Egret caught a sizable frog and my Great Egret caught a teeny tiny frog. Who do you think is happier? So glad you are feeling better and so sorry you had to spend any time in a dentist chair, let alone an hour. Everything starts to go downhill, even the teeth, after a certain age. But you have a long way to go so it is good that you are taking care of things now :) Sorry, I seem to be a day late on some regular basis these days. If you are not up and running when I post, it is not likely I will get back to link with you until the next day. I lead a busy, productive (mostly fun stuff) life :). Stay well, Stewart and fun that we had the same birds catching the same but slightly different frogs in our post this week. Great minds, as the saying goes ... :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  19. Poor froggie..Dentists..Yuk, and expensive for sure..I have no birdies for you this week..Glad you are better..

  20. Great photos of this egret's feeding time Stewart, oh dear for the frog but there you go, that's nature for you. So sorry to learn of your time in the dentist's chair. Dreadful experience, I have had a few of my own and truly sympathize. Hope you are 100 percent now.

  21. I could see why the frog wouldn't be so happy about being someone's dinner!

  22. Incredible photos! I had an experience like that in the dentist's chair not long ago. He removed an abscess and it took over an hour by the tie he stitched up my gum. So I know how you feel.

  23. great series of images on this egret Stewart and thanks for hosting

  24. Great photos of the egret eating the poor frog!
    Hope your mouth has recovered fully.
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  25. What a lovely bird. Your captures are awesome, as always!

  26. Poor frog but great captures.

  27. Its not easy being green or in a dentist's chair. Great sequence of shots.

  28. I am very sorry that you have been having health issues, Stewart! Hope you get well soon. Love the photos of the egret and swamphens. I will have a post this coming week...getting photos has been difficult over the summer with the extreme heat and now I neck-deep in two projects (finishing a quilt for my grandson that will be his birthday present in December and can't wait for me to finish after we do the move...and packing!) Have a better week!
