Monday 12 August 2013

Rock Hoppers - of a sort.

I think I could forward a decent argument for kangaroos being just about the most remarkable animals on Earth (with the Platypus being the best other contender).  They are just so strange, but yet so wonderful at the time.

These are not kangaroos in the strict sense but are in fact Black Footed Rock Wallabies (Petrogale laterals).  Now, the difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby are basically down to size - wallabies are smaller - but also some specific details of their teeth.

The little animals are just over 1/2 a metre long, with a tail of a similar length.  But what makes them remarkable to watch is the way the bounce around rocky slopes and cliff faces with the same confidence I walk along a pavement.  They also move a hell of a lot quicker than I do on the flat!

These animals were chasing, fighting and generally eating a bit of grass on the rocky slopes at Simpsons Gap in the Northern Territory.  They put on a good show for one and all.

So why "my world" - because, with very few natural exceptions, if you are looking at a wild animal that looks like this you can only be in one place in the world - Australia.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. You have an amazing assortment of odd animals down there!
    I will have to be satisfied with the squirrels and chipmunks in my garden...and the birds.

  2. HI Stewart This Wallaby is beautifully marked. Great shots.

  3. Wonderful photos of these cute hoppers. The strange critters we have here are all walking around on two feet.

  4. You got some nice shots of that one. I never really thought about their habitat. I sure didn't know it was among the rocks.

  5. sweet :)
    great captured
    greetings Babs

  6. wat is dit mooi om te zien geweldig de foto,s en de mooie uitleg.

  7. just fabulous - and so stinking cute!

  8. Terrific shots! Cute little guys.

  9. What terrific captures, Stewart, and what adorable little buggers they are!! Delightful! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week!

  10. Great images of this Walibi, Stewart.
    They are very sharp and with lots of details.

    Greetings Irma

  11. So now I know the difference between the two.

  12. The wallaby looks so cute! Wonderful shots of this little beauty!

  13. Wonderful wallabies and it definitely has to be YOUR world! And what a beautiful one it is.

  14. I was fascinated by these when I saw them on Magnetic island. someone had told me where to see the rock wallabies but I had no idea what kind of creature they were talking about until they appeared. You've captured them really well.

  15. I feel that your part of the world has a monopoly on a number of the most remarkable animals on Earth. :)
    Love the kangaroos - and the thought of them hopping about on rocky cliffs made me wonder how that ankle is mending for you!

  16. Stewart, your wallaby is cool. I would love to see them in the wild myself. I can not imagine them hopping around the cliffs and rocks. Great shots!

  17. Such a special creature! Thanks for posting...sending links around.Mary

  18. The animals of Australia are fascinating. I would love to see them in person someday, but this is the next best thing,

  19. Really cool shots!!! Very exciting find you have here. Love this stuff!

  20. These are great shots. What a treat to see a Wallaby, I've never seen one before. LOve the one of him eating the grass.

  21. What lovely shots of these amazing animals. I love the way they blend into the background.

  22. Nice captures Stewart- and so interesting. I'll never get to see one in person, so thanks for sharing!

  23. They are very attractive animals Stewart. A very nice selection of pictures too.

  24. Wonderful images Stewart...amazing animals to see.

  25. Hi Stewart...

    what can i say ?!!? Nothing because i´am speechles...

    Absolut fantastic shot´s !!!

    Greetings from Germany

  26. Wow - I imagine that these guys would be very hard to find in the wild, let alone photograph! Great stuff!

  27. You're right - they are really interesting! Such cute animals.

  28. Oh Stewart!!!How much i love kangaroos!!!I remember Skipy on tv!!
    Exeelent shots!!!

  29. That is so true! That is the beauty of animals being isolated and evolving on their own. These animals are so fantastic! Great photos of them also Stewart.
