Thursday 29 August 2013

To welcome the spring.....

The title of the post is an adaptation of the words of a song:

The real words are "To welcome the summer, whose first day is ending": it's from this song, which you may or may not like!

I managed to get out for an evening walk this week - a combination of growing day length and an almost fully healed ankle.

So, here are two skies to welcome the spring, whose first day is ending.  (Its raining and cold outside tonight, so I think winter is having one last go - but that does not sound as poetic!)

You can find more skies at Sky Watch Friday.

Enjoy the skies - and if you are up north, enjoy the last days of Summer.



  1. Really like your sky shots. Thanks goodness for clouds, as there'd be no beautiful sunsets or sunrises!

  2. It's so neat to think you're entering spring as we're entering autumn :)

  3. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful pictures, in your country it is almost spring, autumn is almost here.
    Greetings Irma

  4. i like the light bursts in the 2nd against the sky. :)

  5. These are nice. For once I am not grumbling about the slow change towards winter. I must be getting old.

  6. Lovely, peaceful skies, Stewart, and great captures for the day! I love the second shot, too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. heerlijke speelvelden,je moet genieten zolang het kan.

  8. Those are some lovely, moody skies. Glad to hear your ankle is almost healed.

  9. Hi Steward...

    wonderful photos !! Amazing !


  10. You captureds the light well Stewart. Bad light stops play in number 2 I think.

  11. Our skies have just let loose with pouring rains today.. what we've been waiting for all dry summer long.
    As fall approaches, we are coming up on a similar scene to that in your photos. Tomorrow is the first game of the football season for our older boys.. the lights will flood down on the football field for the first time of the year - a true fall kick off.
    Of course, never a dull moment, one of our twins, the starting varsity quarterback, hyper-extended his knee in practice yesterday. He's icing it & getting around pretty well, hoping to be ready for the big game. Injuries!! Glad you're getting around on your ankle. Happy Spring!

  12. Summer is ending here for sure Stewart!!!Beautiful pictures and sky shots!!!Enjoy Spring in Melbourne!!

  13. I love the way that second shot is framed.

  14. Hello Stewart, nice to hear you are out walking and your ankle is better. Great shots, the second shot is my favorite of the field. Have a happy weekend!

  15. Beautiful. Happy Spring. ... being able to get out for a walk again is a lovely way to welcome the new season.

    It won't officially be Autumn here until September 20...but as soon as school starts it always seems like Fall (even when you're old enough not to have anything to do with school.)

  16. Nice post, Stewart. I can't believe summer is almost over here in the northern hemisphere!

  17. Beautiful shots! Really like the light and shadows on the first image!

  18. Wonderful dark light in these skies. especially love the two bright "eyes" in the second photo.

  19. Dejlige aften billeder, jeg kan godt lide det fine lys :-)

  20. absolutely beautiful Stewart, I'm so glad you were able to get out... my ankle has a way to go before I can walk very far.

  21. It always feels good to know that an injury is just about healed. When the days get longer I always feel good. When I used to work, I hated it when it was dark when I went to work and dark when I got out of work.
    Nice photos Stewart. A nice big sky!

  22. Fabulous shots, indeed!

  23. Lovely skies Stewart! I'm really looking forward to Spring. We have had a beautiful last month of Winter with temps in the mid to high 20s.
    I don't like Summer so much up here, though. The humidity really knocks me around.
