Wednesday 14 August 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 57 - Black and White

I thought I'd do something a little different this week - I've posted birds of the same type, from the same place and from the same day - but tis week I thought I'd post birds of the same colour.  In in ths case, two colours; black and white.

So here they are, in no particular order of preference:

Pied Oystercatcher

Those of you with a sharp eye will notice that this oystercatcher is the image I used for the WBW badge.

Magpie Lark
 Those of you with a sharp eye will notice that this Magpie lark is the image I used for my Flickr badge!


Little Pied Cormorant

Pied Butcher Bird
Willie Wagtail
Australian Pelican
Hope you liked the tour in black and white (and just a touch of grey).

Now its your turn to get involved in WBW - click the link below and off you go! (Ah, I messed up the start time - all fixed.  Sorry about that!)


  1. I LOVE that magpie lark!!!

    And the header you have is beautiful too!

  2. Super two-tone selection.

  3. Great serie of photos!
    Like it!

  4. yes I love the header too Stewart; also great black and white'ers

  5. All fantastic birds, but the Magpie Lark is my favorite as far as plumage is concerned! Very striking!

  6. Stewart, a great idea sharing your B&W birds. Some of my favorites are the Magpie Lark, Cormorant and the cute Wagtail. As always, thanks for hosting and enjoy your week ahead.

  7. Great series of Black and White.

  8. A very nice series of black and white birds. I especially like the Pied Oystercatcher with its reflection in the sand.

  9. magpie lark sure cuts a pretty scene! always love those cormorants, too.

  10. Hello Stewart,
    I've been away for a few weeks and I'm glad to be back this week.
    Wonderful shots in this series!
    I think that Little Pied Cormorant is a cutie.
    Really like the pelican shot too. I keep hoping someday I'll be in the right spot to capture a pelican. It just hasn't happened. :)

  11. That was neat bunching up the black & whites like that. Well done.

  12. Like your studies in B & W, Stewart. So interesting when there is a particular focus to the photos you share. My favorite today is the magpie lark--so startling. And a Willie Wagtail? Such a great name--I had a pit bull mix called Willie whose last name could have been Wagtail! :-)

  13. Beautiful variety of birds and wonderful captures as always, Stewart!!

  14. The Magpie Lark is awesome as is the Magpie. Excellent theme!

  15. Handsome birds in their formal colors. Love 'em all...didn't realize until just now how different your pelican is from our brown one...

  16. I love B/W. I wonder if there is a color that you could not find a bird to match.

  17. That Magpie Lark is just gorgeous!

  18. Wow Stewart! The Pied Oystercatcher image and reflection is eye-catching to say the least! I love the theme too. Greetings, Jo (East Africa)

  19. I like your "monochrome" colour scheme Stewart! Such a terrific variety in this series.

  20. It is eleven and I am just getting home from the Raptor Program. I posted this morning before you so couldn't link. So I come over and I say to myself ... I have seen that black and white bird before and then I realized it is your button ... how cool. Why are so many of your black and white birds called "Pied" somethings ... Maybe I should look Pied up in the dictionary ... hmmmm. Anyway, it's late and I am tired, but couldn't resist coming up to the computer to see what your post was ... Glad I did :) I will be back when I am more awake to comment on your Wallabies ... they are awesome too. Good night, Stewart,

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  21. Just the beautiful birds watching.
    Nice post, dear.

  22. HI Stewart
    Loved those post of Black and white birds. I see my 'bird' is one of yours today. Great minds think alike. Anyway, all your shots are wonderful. Thanks for hosting.

  23. Great idea with black-and-white birds! The magpie lark was a bit special for me, never seen any before. Lovely photos of course, Stewart!
    Greetings Pia

  24. Hello Stewart.
    Beautiful birds in this black and white.
    This week I have no birds for the link to Wild Bird Wednesday.
    Butterflies I have this week, but I do not know if I can.

    Greetings Irma

  25. Thanks Stewart. Despite my footy club preference for magpies, I would love them anyway - they are a really proud looking bird, as though they feel they have every right to be occupying the patch of lawn or branch they are resting on. And is there anything better than waking up to the sound of a couple of magpies in the tree outside your window?

  26. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  27. They're all beautiful birds.

  28. Wow, we really do have a lot of black and white birds here, don't we!? I love that Oystercatcher shot the best - against the black and white feathers, the red bill just seems all the more brilliant!

  29. Black and White Beauties!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that Pelican!

  30. Hello there Stewart. I found you via Snap Happy Birding and thought I'd pay a visit. Your photography is outstanding, and I really like your blog. I hope you stop over and visit my blog sometime. I think I'll join yours and follow along. LOVE your bird photos!!

  31. Nice theme. Black and white birds are particularly striking.

  32. I'm surprised at you, with that selection you could so easily had them in rising size.

    I probably won't be posting for a while. My husband of 55 years is in palliative care and I spend most of my time there.

  33. Lovely collection of black and white Aussies. They are all beautiful, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for a Willy Wagtail.

  34. Beautiful shots.
    Lotsa Black and White birds. Nice selection. MB

  35. Good idea Stewart. It's only when brought together we realise how many birds are B&W. Like the Magpie Lark best - seems like a strange combination of types for us uded to either Magpies or Skylarks.

  36. What a great idea Stewart and yep, I must have a sharp eye ;). These bird shares are all terrific. Thank you again for your kindness in allowing us to share our world of wild birds around the globe~

  37. Great serie of photos Stewart!!!
    Lovely birds!(i was on holidays)

  38. I enjoyed your black and white birds. Beautiful images.

  39. Beauties! Every one of them...
    Of course, most are never seen around these parts, but I wish they were!

  40. Great bird photos! (I never make it to this challenge before it has closed.)
