Sunday 23 March 2014

A surprise find.

I had hoped to see some good wildlife during my trip to Arizona - but I had not expected to see an lizards.

While I know that Arizona is south, it's still in the north - so I was expecting winter (and in that regard I was correct!) and winters and lizards don't normally mix.

So, when I saw this little chap (or maybe chapess) I was rather surprised.  Even in the chilly weather it was fast moving as lizards tend to be.

What was interesting was that about 36 hours after I took these pictures this little animals habitat would have been underwater.  The pictures were taken in Oak Creek Canyon, and the the creek was gin clear and peaceful - 36 hours later it was a mass of brown water and foam as the water from a significant storm system rushed out of the hills.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday 2 and I Heart Macro.  SM


  1. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful pictures of lizards, what a camouflage they have.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Nice photos! They blend into their surroundings quite well, don't they?

  3. Pretty lizard, it does blend in well. Great shots!

  4. Yes, most of our "winter" this year has been warm enough for these little fellows to be active. I'm glad you captured some shots of it.
    Have a great week.

  5. Great shots indeed and, hey, you even make the lizards look good, Stewart! They do indeed blend in well, don't they!! Hope you're enjoying a good weekend!

  6. isn't it adorable! :)

    i liked that: gin clear. :)

  7. Cute little thing and very difficult to notice.

  8. It's nice to have surprise finds like this!
    Makes the trip more memorable.
    Seems like overall you had a good visit!

  9. Good looking little lizard and very nice camouflage!

  10. Great macro shot ~ 2nd one is my favorite ~ Happy Week to you ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  11. On the second pic the little lizard almost look like a baby crocodile. Pretty good shots that is.

  12. Aw what a sweetie. I like Lizards and such. I was in Arizona in about the same area as you and in March and to me it was so hot and summertime like. We probably still had snow. Ha!!

  13. Your little character has a welter of interesting markings and tones. A fascinating find.

  14. Very cute!! :)

  15. The lizard is cute (we have them all year here in Florida). I hope he sure did see some Southwest weather!!

  16. What a cute little guy!

  17. What a cute little guy!

  18. Oak Creek Canyon is an amazing place. The creek is more like a river some times. When it's smooth and calm there are some amazing red rock reflections to be had in some areas. Nice photos Stewart! We'll be there next month (I hope).
