Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The view from Salt

I am told that Salt is a rather well know restaurant - that may well be the case, but such things are beyond me!

I am just back from a week in Jakarta - its the first time I have done a trip like this an not taken any meaningful photographic gear - the schedule was pretty hectic, even if I did end up with a spare morning on Friday.

This picture was taken from Salt, and is not even taken wth my phone!

Typically, there was a lightning storm over Jakarta as we were eating dinner, which would have been great to try and capture!  I think I need to get a compact of some kind!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. A very impressive shot. Hope the food was equally impressive.

  2. Quite spectacular. I tried to get a storm at The Grand Canyon but lightning evaded me every time I tried!!!! Have a good week Diane

  3. Wow, amazing view! Great shot! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. That is pretty cool looking.

  5. Wow, what a view! Yes, I frequently struggle with whether or not to take my big, heavy DSLR. No question that I get better photos when I do. But I'm often pretty happy just using my iPhone.

  6. Oh that is beautiful, i recall my shot when we had lunch at the top floor in Yangon, Myanmar. I bought the Olympus micro 4/3 specifically for its lightweight, and now i also use the phone often which is very handy!

  7. Wow, that's quite the view! Glad you captured it.

  8. nice view! yeap, compacts are handy - I may get out without my phone, without my wallet, but not without my compact. ;-)

  9. Dizzying but amazing!
    Thanks for shairng at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/09/orchids-other-worldly.html

  10. That is an amazing view Stewart.

  11. Wow ... as I am a little nervous about heights, the beauty of this view is tempered by the thoughts of vertigo that would go with it if I were actually there.

    I have had that same sensation as I sit and view something that I wish I could capture on my camera if I had it with me ... frustration :) Yes a smaller more manageable version would be a great idea. Some of the small camera's and even phones take great pictures ... sometimes better than a big SLR, so you really can't go wrong ... I say, go for it, Stewart. Expand your horizons :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol
